2000 Roses / Families of Incarcerated
Loved Ones (Dallas, Texas)
Delancey also selected among numerous applicants a Texas faith-based group, 2000 Roses, to develop a Delancey replication. Kelly Wiley, Executive Director and Alonzo Harris, Program Director, visited Delancey Street seeking to develop a successful re-entry program. Wiley and Harris with their other partner (Families of Incarcerated Loved Ones (FILO), a non-profit in criminal justice and reintegration training and education) have attended the Institute for Social Renewal and received technical assistance from Delancey Street to create the comprehensive educational, entrepreneurial and residential design which has made Delancey Street so famous – and so successful.
2000 Roses is a program dedicated to helping women re-enter society after years of incarceration and they are currently renovating a 14-bed home, and offenders in the program are running the Rose Garden, a resale shop, as a business training school.
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2000 Roses/FILO