Delancey Street Foundation
600 Embarcadero
San Francisco, CA 94107

Day One Theory and Discussion
10AM – 4PM

  1. Institute Overview and Theoretical Framework of Delancey Street
    10 – 11:45AM
    1. Introduction of Trainers and Participants
    2. Review of Institute Agenda
    3. Overview of Delancey Street
    4. Questions and Answers
  2. Lunch and Seminar with Residents
    Dining Room
    12 - 1:30PM
  3. Tour of Delancey Street
    Embarcadero Facility
    1:45 – 3:30PM
    1. Training Department Presentations
      1. Moving Company
      2. Automotive/Construction
      3. Restaurant/Catering
    2. Videos
      1. Screening Room
  4. Questions and Answers
    3:30 – 4PM

Day Two Experiential Component
7:00AM – 3:00PM

  1. Morning Meeting and Breakfast
    Dining Room
    7:00 – 8:00AM
  2. Department Participation
    8:15 – 10:15AM
  3. Explanation of Educational Program and Finance Department
    10:30 -11:30AM
  4. Lunch at Crossroads Café with Trainers
    11:45AM – 12:45PM
  5. Intake Interviews Discussion and Role Plays
    1:00 – 2:15PM
  6. Open Discussion
    2:15 – 3:00PM